

Monday, December 29, 2014

Embarking On Our Homeschooling Journey...

I sit here wondering how to begin, and what to write. I'm listening to my younger two talk back and forth as they color on the floor behind me... The sun is shining and it's one of the last days of 2014. So much has happened in this past year that my brain whirls just thinking about it. I would say the two biggest events were losing our son, Ezekiel in June, and the decision we made to pull our boys out of public school and begin homeschooling.

It's been exhilarating and challenging, exciting and terrifying all at the same time... I am thankful for online homeschool blogs and groups, for supportive friends who homeschool, for my many relatives and mom that have and still are homeschooling, who have given me advice and encouragement as I begin this giant undertaking.

I am happy about our decision for so many reasons. Mainly because we will get to be TOGETHER more! I loved growing up with my siblings day in and day out, and can't imagine things differently. My life will be so much more hectic now, but also more free in many ways! God is good! I know to even have the chance to be able to do this is something that many people never get. I am excited to get to know my boys more... to learn their strengths and weaknesses. To have time to do all the things I want to do with them, but can't ever seem to do.

I know I will need lots of patience in this new year of 2015. As I type this, my eldest is trying to mess up my fingers as I type. ;-) But I love these crazy and wild boys so much! Please pray for me to be consistent in discipline, to be a calm and caring teacher/mother, and that my hair doesn't all turn gray or fall out! Haha. I am thankful I have Someone who is always there for me to cry out to and knows my heart's deepest longings. Jesus is my rock.


  1. Blessings to you & your beautiful family.

  2. Good luck Tessica! Many blessings to you and your family on this new endeavor!!!
